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Morel More Trix Build
I completed this kit a few weeks ago and am very pleased with these speakers. I agree completely with the kit designer- these speakers like to have good source recordings. Maybe because they sound so good with a good recording you really notice when you have a bad one? I made the small bookshelf version for my home theater but also use it for music. I stuck to the plans on the boxes but got a little fancy on the stands. You can see some of the build pictures here. http://imgur.com/a/hrU3u I am quite impressed with these tweeters and crossovers. Nice and smooth. I think these speakers are really impressive with vocals. I plan to make the larger versions to go with these in the future.
Uluwatu - SB Acoustics Tower
Goes to 11
At the outset, this speaker makes sense. You are going to invest significant time building a huge wooden box. You're cutting, sanding, finishing, wiring, stuffing, damping (and in my case, two drills, countless bits, cans of spray paint, veneer redos)... building these things is a huge investment. So why aim low?
Let's say you build a 2-way. Time align the drivers. Feeling good, right? But is it worth it? You build an MtM? Nice clean presentation. Strong mids, respectable low bass. And then you think, what if I had an MtMWW. Let's just add a few more drivers, right? Drivers are pretty cheap ... I mean, you're time is worth something too, right? So you add a few drivers and are feeling a little better. But are you? You're looking at a pile of scraps left over from those 2 sheets MDF. What more could you have done? You ported the speaker so you wouldn't have to bother with a curvilinear transmission line. The base is pretty good ... say 38hz, but did you know you didn't build state of the art. Curt gets another octave from his designs. You spent a ton on drivers but the system sensitivity is 86db. That doesn't matter, right? Or does it... What if you could double sound pressure for the same amplifier watt? Say goodbye to regrets and BUILD THIS ONE. As the last reviewer indicated, this speaker is so crisp and clear and loud - it absolutely shames bad recordings, mediocre production, and compression. The drivers are so accurate and fast and coherent that big music sounds big. Jazz especially, female vocals, music with texture -- what for an audiophile is... music. They sound unbelievable and I don't feel like there was a square inch or missing driver or smart enclosure design or anything affordable, left on the table. Bravo Curt and Adam. I'm a bit shocked more of these don't go out the door and maybe because they're so affordable. Before Madisound jacks the price, get yours.
Very Happy!
Uluwatu - SB Acoustics Tower Speaker
I finished my build of this and my initial reactions are positive. Got these setup at my coffee shop and they are show stoppers. I chose these because of the visual presence, slim dimensions and ability to placed against the wall. The high SPL level performance is very satisfying. It will keep climbing into higher decibels without distortion. The bass is very controlled and clear. Upright/Double basses in jazz and rockabilly never sounded better. Wonderful hifi performance that doubles as a party system.
My Halcyon Build
Now that my Halcyon speakers are fully broken in, and driven by top quality DAC and AMP, I am pleased with them. I purchased a flat-pack online, but had to make a few modifications to it for everything to fit. I needed a lot more stuffing to get the bass right than what was in the original shipment.
I am very surprised by how good the Alpair 10p sounds especially with the bass augmentation. I went for the upgraded caps in the crossover which I am sure has helped with transparency and lack or congestion in the treble and upper mids. Also I upgraded the bass inductor but I am not sure it made much difference.
These speakers are good enough to show upstream problems and distortion, and seem quite sensitive to component quality as mentioned by the Designer Curt Campbell.
It took me many months to build and finish. and I didn't create a fancy cabinet or finish. I also bi-wired the drivers and placed the crossover into the base unit. This was done so I can experiment in the future with electronic crossovers.
I use them for listening in my audio lab with background music as well as auditioning new HI-Res files I have downloaded. They are easy on my ears, and very pleasant to listen to.
Uluwatu - SB Acoustics Tower
Can't be beat!
I moved mine to the bedroom because I've been building so many other speakers and kits. Yesterday I returned to the bedroom after auditioning a very high end pair of open baffle speakers. My Uluwatu's were embarrassingly better. It's just a monster speaker, top to bottom.