We are pleased to introduce the Chevalier.

Listening impressions:
Overall I was very impressed with how this design came out. Bass is plentiful, clean and taut. The midrange is quite impressive and very clean, considering how much of it is provided by the woofer. Kudos to SB Acoustics for a line of very good, yet cost effective drivers. Upper midrange and tweeter are impressive as well, and exhibited the great, clean sound that Morel is known for. Not only did the design have better than average sensitivity, it seemed to thrive on power. The more I gave it, the more it shined. Apparent max SPL seemed far greater than the modeled max SPL of 102 dB based on the woofer Xmax. The Morel dome mid was especially impressive, as it played high SPL’s effortlessly. While the 50 liter enclosure volume is not small, it offers simple construction, and packs a lot of performance in this smaller package.
Curt Campbell